ZMedia Purwodadi

Does Presale for concert tickets apply to all Amex cards ?

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 Does Presale for concert tickets apply to all Amex cards :

Amex works with event organizers and places where you buy Amex cards. Does Presale for concert tickets apply to all Amex cards ? You might get discounts on ticket prices, get some money back, or get other rewards for using your Amex card to buy tickets.

Concert tickets apply to all Amex cards

Does presale for concert tickets apply to all Amex cards ?

American Express cards might let you buy tickets for concerts before they officially go on sale. But not all Amex cards have this perk, and it depends on what deal Amex has with the event organizers. So, not everyone with an Amex card can get early access to concert tickets.

How can I use my Amex card for tickets ?

1. Look at your card's benefits: See if your Amex card says anything about getting early access to events.

 2. Go to the American Express website: They sometimes have special deals for cardholders, like early access to tickets. You can check there or log in to your account to see if there's anything available.


If you are not sure if my card is eligible or not, then you can contact customer service. After checking, they can tell you if your card is eligible for Presale tickets or not.

Some Amex cards let you get better seats at concerts and other events. You might get to sit in special areas with great views.

Also, some Amex cards have protections for tickets. If something goes wrong, like the event getting canceled, you might get your money back or get help sorting it out.


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