ZMedia Purwodadi

10 Lines on Usefulness of Microorganisms

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 10 Lines on Usefulness of Microorganisms :

Hello Readers here you will read 10 Lines on Usefulness of Microorganisms. Lines on Microorganisms. Few Lines on Usefulness of Microorganisms. 

Lines on Usefulness of Microorganisms

10 Lines on Usefulness of Microorganisms :-

1) Microorganisms are organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. They require a microscope to see.

2) Microorganisms are useful in many activities. They are useful in the process of making yoghurt.

3) Microorganisms are also useful for many industries such as the liquor industry, the baking industry.

4) Microorganisms also help in agriculture.

5) They help in making organic fertilizers.

6) Many vaccines are made with these microorganisms.

7) They are also useful for making vinegar

8) Microorganisms are also involved in many other food processing processes.

9) Microorganisms also help reduce pollution levels.

10) Microorganisms help maintain the fertility of the soil.

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