25 New Words with Meaning :
Hello Guys here you will read 25 New Words with Meaning. Friends, you all know that if you know English then what are the benefits for you. As well as speaking and writing English, you must also have knowledge of new English words so that you can use them in your daily life. Below are the 25 New Words with Meaning for you.
25 New Words with Meaning :-
Falter लड़खड़ाना
Coarse खुरदुरा
Loathe घृणा करना
Relentless दयाहीन
Elusive हाथ न आनेवाला
Enmity बैर
Versatile अनेक गुणों का
Chaos गड़बड़ी
Redress सुधार
Breach उल्लंघन करना
Peruse सोचना
Heed सावधान
Paltry तुच्छ
Trivial मामूली
Sway हिलना-डुलना
Rival विरोधी
Indulge लिप्त होना
Scoot खिसक जाना
Indigent निर्धन
Barefaced बेनकाब
Craven डरपोक
Stroll टहलना
Solely अकेले
Indispensable परम आवश्यक
Atrocious अति-दुष्ट
Hope you found something new by reading these words. We will continue to try to update new words like this. You have to try to stay connected with us.