ZMedia Purwodadi

10 Lines on Obedience

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 10 Lines on Obedience :

Hello Guys here you will read 10 Lines on Obedience. The greatest quality of any happy family is obedience to each other. It is also very important in student life. Obedience contributes a lot to a person's success.

Lines on Obedience

10 Lines on Obedience :-

1) Obedience is a great virtue.

2) If a child is obedient from childhood then he will never be killed in future and his parents will be happy too.

3) Obedience of a human being contributes a lot to his success.

4) The quality of obedience will reward you for a long time.

5) Obedience also strengthens your relationship with someone.

6) Being obedient also increases the other person's faith in you.

7) If a person is not obedient then it is difficult for him to succeed in life.

8) Obedience also brightens your character.

9) If all the members in a family are obedient to each other then that family will always be happy.

10) Every human being must have the quality of obedience.


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10 Lines on Obedience , Lines on Obedience.

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