ZMedia Purwodadi

10 Lines on Forgiveness

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10 Lines on Forgiveness : 

Hello Guys here you will read 10 Lines on Forgiveness. If someone makes a mistake unknowingly and he apologizes for that mistake, he should be forgiven. Forgiving someone also lightens the mind. Lines on Forgiveness. Few Lines on Forgiveness in English.

Lines on Forgiveness

10 Lines on Forgiveness :-

1) Everybody makes a mistake in life.

2) Some of these mistakes happen unknowingly.

3) If someone makes a mistake unknowingly and he apologizes for that mistake, he should be forgiven.

4) But the person who makes a mistake should also learn that he will never make such a mistake in the future.

5) Forgiveness will increase the respect in the heart of the person towards you.

6) Even if we do not forgive anyone, the past will not come back.

7) Not forgiving remains a burden in our mind.

8) Forgiving someone also lightens the mind.

9) If we punish someone for their mistake then it can cause loss to both the parties.

10) No one should delay in admitting and forgiving a mistake.

Man is an idol of mistakes. Every human being makes some or the other mistake. But many mistakes are made unknowingly. In such a time we should think before punishing that person. Even if someone makes a mistake, you should immediately apologize for your mistake

And don't take the time to forgive

If we don't forgive then the burden of this thing will always be on you and you will not be able to live your life openly so by forgiving you should lighten your weight

Lines on Forgiveness.

1 comment

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21 February 2022 at 11:28 Delete
Really!its help me