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If Trees could Speak Essay in English

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 If Trees could Speak Essay in English :

Hello Students here you read about If Trees could Speak Essay in English. If Tree Could Talk Essay. In this poem it is said that if the tree ,rivers, wind, animals and earth could speak, what would they say ?

If Trees could Speak Summary

If Trees could Speak Essay in English :-

The trees are saying they should be given a chance to live. Trees are begging humans not to cut them down. Let the human beings leave them like this.

How are we polluting the river water by dumping garbage every day? Similarly, if the rivers can speak, they will say that garbage should not be dumped in them and water should not be polluted.

And the wind is telling factories to handle their smoke.

If the animals can talk, they will say don't beat them so badly and help them survive.

If the earth can speak, it will say, "Celebrate Earth Day not just one day, but celebrate Earth Day every day and protect it."

In this summary we see how the trees, the air, the rivers and the earth are begging the human being. That they be taken care of. How we are polluting the environment every day. Millions of trees are being cut down every day. Everyday smoke from factories and vehicles is polluting the air. Therefore, we should all consider it as Earth Day every day and save it.

If these things are not understood today, then future generations will have to face great difficulties. Everyone needs to understand the importance of the environment. Children should be taught from the beginning by parents and teachers about the importance of the environment.


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